I have taken some time over the past few days to process my emotions, reflect, speak to members of the community and listen to the many voices that have reached out to me.
I sincerely apologise to all who have been negatively affected in any way by the 7th chapter “Jei Jei” of the Barrack O’Karma 1968 drama series, and my role in it. I have learned through this incident that professionally trying my best to analyse, interpret and act a given role to fulfil the storyline, is only part of the job.
I genuinely have no intention to disrespect or racially discriminate any ethnic group, please forgive me for getting it wrong. It has been a challenging experience to be at the centre of a lesson that art reflects deeply entrenched social attitudes. Open sharing, if handled well, can surely only be good in raising awareness of issues that need to be discussed. I am truly sorry that my insensitivities have offended and hurt. I am committed more than ever to using my acting for the good of the community.
呢個PO一出,唔少網民都紛紛留言支持佢,Hey Dudes例如「Support as always」、「演繹得好好,根本沒有醜化菲律賓人。別把這事放在心上,期待妳之後嘅演出!!」、「為一個演員,你盡力演好劇中的角色,劇中的表現也沒有做出不恰當的行為,你是一個好演員,你的演出很出色」、「你要加油,你演得好好演得好出色」、「撐你 唔使理啲無謂人」、「你做得好好,根本完全沒有歧視成份,批評你的人根本連睇都無睇過,為攻擊而攻擊,你無需要道歉,支持」、「You did very well in this role. Support and look forward to your next performance!」及「You have got our backs. Support 」等等。
談到兩人的友情,Grace說:「主要係我哋差唔多時間出道,Tracy今年就入行10周年喇,而且我哋都結咗婚同埋好多嘢講,最巧合係我哋嘅老公都唔鍾意講嘢,Vans Shoes For Womens 嘉穎直情同啲朋友講:『好喇,依家有人幫我講埋我嗰份。』哈哈!」問到Tracy可有向Grace討教生仔經?她笑說:「遲啲先啦,呢方面順其自然,我哋都係結咗婚3年啫,想再享受吓2人世界先。(你再拍劇嘅機會好微?)主要係相信劇組唔會遷就我時間,做吓呢啲清談節目咪好囉。」
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