同場28歲的俄羅斯奧委會代表Hanna Prakatsen,是應屆歐錦賽冠軍,她以7分48秒74第1名衝線,第2個衝線的是2016里約奧運4人艇代表、中國的江燕,今日時間是7分53秒14,第3名是跟洪詠甄在頭1000米叮噹馬頭的Veronica,時間是8分11秒57,這3人可直入半準決賽,餘下的選手要參加明日的復活賽,Latest Jordan UK ,再爭取躋身半準決賽資格。Winne將於明早香港時間7時50分亮相復活賽第3組賽事,與古巴、沙特阿拉伯、東加及烏干達選手爭奪出線權。
出席開幕禮前,貝鈞奇今早亦有到海之森水上競技場觀看洪詠甄比賽,雖然這位小將未能直接晉級半準決賽,但貝鈞奇仍大讚小妮子非常努力:「只要見到有運動員比賽都非常開心,而且她很年輕又是第一次參加,努力爭取到這個難得機會,希望在復活賽有更好表現。」港隊今屆有不少獎牌希望,被認為在場地單車、體操、劍擊、空手道及游水等項目都有力爭牌,突破過往1996、2004及2008三屆各一牌的成績:「當然大家都覺得李慧詩及石偉雄等經驗戰將有獎牌希望,但都不想給予太大壓力,Latest Jordan UK ,希望所有運動員都能在平常心下全力以赴、努力拼搏、爭取佳績、奪牌而歸。」貝鈞奇亦寄語未能飛到東京親身支持港將的香港人,「在電視機旁邊仍要為運動員打打氣!」
Anthony Vaccarello執掌下的Saint Laurent重拾巴黎式的極致性感魅力,更找來BLACKPINK成員Rosé擔任全球代言人,成功將品牌引進千禧世代市場。最新推出的LE 5 À 7腋下包亦是對準新世代市場,受惠於名人效應,Saint Laurent的價值比去年增長了30%,達至51.5億美元。
Cartier近年亦致力年輕化,新加入價格更為親民的Love系列、Trinity三環系列,極受歡迎的Juste Un Clou系列的入場費亦降至一萬元之下。經典PASHA DE CARTIER腕錶系列由多位千禧世代名人包括王嘉爾、Maisie Williams代言,進一步將品牌帶進年輕世代的市場。Cartier的總品牌價值達至53.6億美元,排列第7。
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創意總監Alessandro Michele領軍下的Gucci,以文藝復古風格殺出新血路,本年度亦推出多個面向千禧世代的聯乘系列,包括多啦A夢、迪士尼、The North Face等。同時亦精心地照料精品手袋愛好者的需要,推出Jackie、Horsebit 1955以及最新的Diana竹製手挽袋,可說是穩打穩紮的實力擔當!
近年社交媒體上對於Hermès的報導,實在有如財經版的投資攻略,經典款Kelly、Birkin成為了極罕的投資升值款,而Hermès亦推出了多款迷你入門款,例如Kelly To Go、Constance To Go等大熱鏈條包,而Oran涼鞋亦成為本季熱搜單品之一,美妝系列亦大受歡迎。品牌價值亦相較去年增長40%,相信大家要繼續做好投資功課,又或努力排隊購得心頭好!
Nike could run out of sneakers made in Vietnam due to a halt in production at multiple suppliers as the coronavirus pandemic worsens globally, according to a new analysis from Panjiva, the supply chain research unit of S&P Global Market Intelligence.
The report comes just after Nike’s suppliers in Vietnam, Chang Shin Vietnam Co. and Pou Chen Corp., recently stopped production due to rapidly growing COVID-19 infections in the region.
Nike said that contract factories in Vietnam make up roughly 50% of total Nike branded footwear in fiscal 2020.
Panjiva data shows that products made in Vietnam account for 49% of U.S. Cadysneaker , seaborne imports linked to Nike and its products in the second quarter of 2021. Nike imports from Vietnam are led by footwear, which makes up 82% of shipments in the 12 months to June 30.
“The health and safety of our teammates, as well as that of our suppliers, remains our top priority,” Nike said in a statement to Yahoo Finance. “We continue to work with our suppliers to support their efforts in response to the dynamic and unprecedented nature of COVID-19.”
“As we continue to navigate these circumstances, we expect our suppliers to prioritize the health and livelihoods of their employees and continue to comply with legal requirements and the Nike Code of Conduct on the provision of wages, benefits, and severance,” the statement continued. “We are confident in Nike’s ability to navigate these near-term dynamics, and we remain prudent in our planning.”
Vietnamese officials urged citizens to stay home due to the new rise of infections this week.
According to the analysis conducted by S&P Global Market Intelligence, 2021Shoes ,Nike’s supply chain struggles could indicate similar challenges for other sneaker giants and clothing brands across the industry. Other apparel brands such as Levi Strauss and H&M are facing similar problems in Bangladesh.