【體路專訊】傑志今日(19日)在泰國武里南出戰第二場亞冠盃分組賽,面對缺少名將恩尼斯達的日職球隊神戶勝利船。雖然現排聯賽榜尾的神戶近況不佳,New York Giants Jersey 但今仗全場佔較多控球下憑鄉家友太及井上潮音的入球領先。雖然艾力士補時為傑志追近,但「藍鳥」最終未能扳平以1:2僅負。
雖然神戶暫排日職榜尾,賽前亦表明將亞冠盃當作季前熱身,但開賽早段仍有較多威脅,當中槙野智章5分鐘尾柱接應傳中的頭搥攻門僅僅擦柱出界。10分鐘後,保贊左路傳中,保羅受大迫勇也前柱跳起影響僅能拍出皮球,鄉家友太小禁區內補中為神戶領先. 神戶領先後未有放鬆,29分鐘亦曾將皮球放入網,不過大迫勇也的入球被判越位在先。相反傑志1分鐘後才獲得首個黃金機會,Boston Red Sox Jerseys但安永佳接應丹恩奴域的傳中來遲一步。丹恩奴域38分鐘才為傑志取得首腳中目標射門,不過左路窄角度起腳被對手門將接實,半場落後1球。
日前打入今屆世錦賽16強蘇格蘭名將麥佳亞(Stephen Maguire)亦同意卓林普的觀點,他認為桌球賽事理應有一個更為匹配的場館來舉辦。克魯斯堡只能容納了不到1000名球迷,麥佳亞說:“我認為亞歷山德拉宮已經成為桌球的最佳場館,球員和觀眾能夠拉開距離。 San Francisco 49ers Jersey 我感覺大師賽才是我們最盛大的比賽,你放出3000張門票,也會有人絡繹不絕前來觀戰。但現在的克魯斯堡只能容納900到1000人,既然其他場館可坐滿3000人,為什麼不把世錦賽也變成這樣? 」
香港著名填詞人黃偉文說過,寧願別人為你失落獎項感不值,總較人家認為你不值得獲獎更好。NBA聯盟早前公布了今年常規賽各個個人獎項最後三強候選名單,當中部份亦引來不少爭議,包括勇士的佐敦普爾(Jordan Poole)未能入選年度最佳進步獎三強,Keen Shoes For Women 以至塞爾特人教頭烏度卡(Ime Udoka)亦不在年度最佳教練候選名單,無論球圈中人或網民球迷均為二人抱不平。
I have taken some time over the past few days to process my emotions, reflect, speak to members of the community and listen to the many voices that have reached out to me.
I sincerely apologise to all who have been negatively affected in any way by the 7th chapter “Jei Jei” of the Barrack O’Karma 1968 drama series, and my role in it. I have learned through this incident that professionally trying my best to analyse, interpret and act a given role to fulfil the storyline, is only part of the job.
I genuinely have no intention to disrespect or racially discriminate any ethnic group, please forgive me for getting it wrong. It has been a challenging experience to be at the centre of a lesson that art reflects deeply entrenched social attitudes. Open sharing, if handled well, can surely only be good in raising awareness of issues that need to be discussed. I am truly sorry that my insensitivities have offended and hurt. I am committed more than ever to using my acting for the good of the community.
呢個PO一出,唔少網民都紛紛留言支持佢,Hey Dudes例如「Support as always」、「演繹得好好,根本沒有醜化菲律賓人。別把這事放在心上,期待妳之後嘅演出!!」、「為一個演員,你盡力演好劇中的角色,劇中的表現也沒有做出不恰當的行為,你是一個好演員,你的演出很出色」、「你要加油,你演得好好演得好出色」、「撐你 唔使理啲無謂人」、「你做得好好,根本完全沒有歧視成份,批評你的人根本連睇都無睇過,為攻擊而攻擊,你無需要道歉,支持」、「You did very well in this role. Support and look forward to your next performance!」及「You have got our backs. Support 」等等。