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當大家都認為COVID-19會對國際品牌造成極大影響,但多個名 …
當大家都認為COVID-19會對國際品牌造成極大影響,但多個名牌包括Chanel、Louis Vuitton、Gucci、Dior的手袋飾品卻不停宣佈加價,Chanel更已是第三度加價,到底一線品牌是憑著甚麼基礎竟逆市加價,而且所推出的單品更有保值甚至升值的能力?
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相信有留意社交媒體的話,對於Burberry登上第10位亦不會感到驚訝。作為首批主攻社交媒體的一線品牌,並憑著創意總監Riccardo Tisci的潮流觸角,推出爆紅It-bag Olympia、TB老花包等,Cadysneaker ,成功打進千禧世代的市場,香港區亦由Mirror成員姜濤、盧瀚霆、江?生年輕成員帶起Olympia手袋搶購熱潮。本年度憑著39.3億美元擠進前10名,整體價值比去年增長了2%。
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相關文章:BLACKPINK Rosé、Mirror Jer都撐場!Saint Laurent SS22下期必搶帆布袋?
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創意總監Alessandro Michele領軍下的Gucci,以文藝復古風格殺出新血路,本年度亦推出多個面向千禧世代的聯乘系列,包括多啦A夢、迪士尼、The North Face等。同時亦精心地照料精品手袋愛好者的需要,推出Jackie、Horsebit 1955以及最新的Diana竹製手挽袋,可說是穩打穩紮的實力擔當!
相關文章:Anson Lo、Edan孖住著Gucci Ouverture新系列!與「田牧CP」同款10款初秋搶眼名牌手袋時裝
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Nike波鞋迷,又要面對搶購潮了。不只限量版Nike波鞋要搶購 …
由於越南疫情嚴峻,Nike越南供應商Chang Shin Vietnam公司和寶成生產線日前暫停營運。Nike 2020會計年度財報資料指出,越南供應鞋款量佔近5成,而據標普全球市場財智旗下Panjiva最新分析指,Nike從越南進口的貨品以鞋款為主,截至今年6月30日的12個月內,鞋款佔越南進口量的82%。分析再指出,Nike越南廠房停工意味著其他品牌也面臨潛在挑戰,而Nike亦正將產能移至中國。
Yahoo編輯團隊致力為你搜羅優質產品及優惠價格,文章內部份連 …
天氣正值炎夏,但時裝界就是要比天氣走得更前,各大名牌的Pre-Fall新款手袋經已陸續上架。Gucci、Loewe、Louis Vuitton等品牌就以「明星效應」來推廣新品,Cadysneaker ,而一向動作多多的Balenciaga,今次初秋2021手袋就回到基本,推出容量大而實用的購物袋,看似不錯。但能讓你捉摸到就不是品牌創意總監Demna Gvasalia的作風,在眾Balenciaga 2021初秋手袋系列當中,竟然見到一款似層相識,以紅白藍膠袋做藍本的Barbès Shopper Bag,果然是融入生活的手袋款式,很想拿起來很時尚地逛超市!除了這款「難以捉摸」的手袋款,還有其他款式都很搶眼,來一起看看吧!
Balenciaga 2021初秋系列共有58個造型,造型照Model穿起休閒復古裝,後製在世界各地名勝,意味著大家在這個Covid-19的時期都可以環遊世界,亦期待著回歸周遊列國的可能性。
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元元(吳婕安)憑日系童顏、E罩杯身材於直播平台發跡,2018年受邀錄製《綜藝玩很大》節目打開知名度,受封「新宅男女神」、「呆萌系教主」,同年推出全裸寫真集,Latest Jordan UK,近來活躍於綜藝圈。她近日分享一組男友視角照,撩得粉絲心癢癢。
Chiney Ogwumike and her si …
Chiney Ogwumike and her sister, Nneka, announced in 2017, while surrounded by three stripes, they had swapped out their Nike swooshes for Adidas. It was an eye-raising leap away from an established powerhouse and endorsement king that has its choice of top stars. Nike signs most No. 1 draft picks, as it did the Ogwumikes, and those athletes rarely went elsewhere.
“Leaving a Nike isn’t an easy decision,” Allison Galer, Chiney Ogwumike’s longtime agent, told Yahoo Sports. “It’s a risk, in any way.”
The Ogwumike sisters, both of whom were Rookie of the Year winners, could be considered early adopters of women athletes leaving Nike’s roster for one that better fits their needs, Cadysneaker ,wants and values. And today’s movers are going beyond the traditional sports apparel companies in their exits.
In a three-week span this spring, Olympic superstar Simone Biles ended a six-year partnership with Nike to join Gap’s Athleta brand, and Breanna Stewart, the four-time NCAA and two-time Seattle Storm champion, announced she was signing with Puma rather than re-up with Nike.
Track and field stars have left Nike in droves over the years, from Kara Goucher heading to startup Oiselle in 2014 to Allyson Felix entering a unique partnership with Athleta in 2019.
All of these women have personal reasons for changing course that ultimately come down to what company and brand makes the most sense in their careers and legacies.
“Female athletes have to do what’s best for them at all times,” said Galer, who works exclusively with women athletes as founder of Disrupt the Game sports agency. “Because they don’t get to have the cushion of millions of millions of dollars that they’re making [in their sport]. They’ve got to show up and perform every day. Literally.”
It is disruption in a market and as that market becomes more saturated, particularly with growing investment in women’s sports, it’s likely more women athletes follow the trend of leaving large, established brands for ones fans might not even be aware of yet.
Courtney Cox sees it every semester in her classroom. As an assistant professor of race and sport in the Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies department at the University of Oregon, Cox notices how her students, the future of the business, view the business marketing. They want a niche approach, and would rather put every athlete out there to target individualized audiences.
“They want to be individually marketed to and I think that the Nikes of the world are still thinking about wide mainstream appeal,” Cox, 2021Shoes ,whose current research includes girls and women’s basketball, told Yahoo Sports. “And that wide mainstream appeal is always a certain kind of body that is positioned as kind of the dominant, normative kind of way of thinking.”
When a company signs as many athletes to endorsement deals as Nike does, those athletes sometimes “get lost in the shuffle” and find themselves tiered by importance and marketability, Cox said. She pointed to three-time NBA champion Stephen Curry leaving Nike for Under Armour in 2013, two years before his first title. He went from being one of Nike’s basketball stars to being Under Armour’s No. 1. And within 16 months came a signature shoe.
Stewart, who is more decorated than Curry in the same time frame, made a nearly identical move by signing with Puma and immediately announcing a signature shoe that could be released next year.
“Where others saw a risk, Puma took advantage of it,” the 2018 WNBA MVP told the Ringer in May. “Women’s basketball players deserve to have signature shoes.”
That’s been a rallying cry in WNBA circles dating back a decade. Stewart, 26, is the 10th player in the league’s 25-year history to have a signature shoe, and the first since Candace Parker’s Ace Versatility with Adidas was released. Nike released six of them, but the last was Diana Taurasi’s in 2006. If Nike wasn’t going to give a bonafide basketball superstar the crown jewel of endorsements, possibly viewing it as a niche market, it makes sense to go elsewhere.
“[Athletes are] in a position where you start to think about what you need,” Cox said. “You think about your own kind of branding and the potential of that.
“I think kind of divesting from Nike is just one way that’s starting to happen as they’re starting to build these new kind of branding portfolios. Nike is becoming less and less valuable because of this kind of tiering that’s happening in terms of who they really focus on and who is promoted within these larger corporations.”
It was similar for Ogwumike in 2017 when she and Galer looked at what Nike had done with her and what other companies might be interested. They honed in on what Ogwumike, also a rising talent at ESPN, wanted out of a deal that might be different from what a multiple-time champion would want.
“She’s not your cookie-cutter best player on the court who is an MVP,” Galer said. “I mean, she could be the best player, don’t get me wrong — but she’s not the MVP, championship [player]. She’s different.
“With Adidas, I think we knew [it was right] based on what they were saying. And how they were evaluating opportunity and wanting to put WNBA players in campaigns and wanting to be creative with their marketing around WNBA players and use them in a different way across category, more or less. That was enticing to us.”
But it’s not just a decision between two big sports centric brands anymore. The market has broadened since 2017 and those who have left Nike in recent months are joining brands that don’t usually sponsor athletic GOATs.
The options in the earlier days of large athlete endorsement deals were limited. It was Gatorade or Powerade. Nike or Adidas. But now there are more sports drinks on the market. More athletic brands. More choice. An athlete can sell anything they and a company want.
“There were these very narrow understandings of what athletes could sell to us,” Cox told Yahoo Sports. “And now I think so much of this has changed.”
Athletes, particularly women or nonbinary people who face more obstacles and discrimination in the sport, are more empowered than ever before. WNBA legend Lisa Leslie, one of Galer’s clients, has said for years she won’t align with a brand she doesn’t support and now, Galer said, “you’re just seeing that 10-fold because there’s more opportunities and there’s more partnerships that women are getting.”
These athletes are making choices for their own interests and values with more money and investment in their game. Brands are getting creative with ways that go beyond the biggest payday to bring an athlete onboard.
“Female athletes have been trying to do different things for a long time,” Galer said, “but now some of the opportunities are actually coming through where you have some of these companies that are making the effort in a real and authentic way and understanding where the value lies there and that it’s necessary.”
Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history, has spoken extensively about finding and using her voice since the sexual abuse scandal in gymnastics. Her exit from Nike was a bombshell three months out from the Tokyo Olympics, when interest for her and the sport is at its highest.
“I felt like it wasn’t just about my achievements, it’s what I stood for and how they were going to help me use my voice and also be a voice for females and kids,” Latest Jordan UK ,Biles, 24, told the Wall Street Journal. “I feel like they also support me, not just as an athlete, but just as an individual outside of the gym and the change that I want to create, which is so refreshing.”
The Olympic athletes who’ve left Nike have made similar remarks, though few spoke of Nike directly. They’ve also taken a new route of more female-focused, by-women-for-women brands, as Biles did with Gap’s Athleta and plans for a girls performance line.
Colleen Quigley, a 2016 Olympian in the steeplechase who withdrew from this year’s games, said her decision to leave Nike for Lululemon was part money, part support.
“If I’m not going to be with Nike,” Quigley said on The Citius Mag Podcast announcing the move, “I need to do something that’s outside the box and something that is female-focused, something that’s really true to me and my own brand and what I care about. And [that] is more focused on me as a whole person and not just focused on performance, performance, performance.”
Allyson Felix, the most decorated woman in U.S. track and field history, had an ugly split with Nike in 2019 when it wanted to pay her less following her pregnancy. She wanted guarantees for her and other women who had children, but Nike declined. Felix signed with Athleta apparel and last month launched Saysh, a brand of footwear for women, by women.
Kara Goucher, an elite distance runner and two-time Olympian, was one of the first to publicly accuse legendary coach Alberto Salazar of skirting anti-doping rules with runners at the Nike Oregon Project. She also spoke out later about the lack of pregnancy protections and pay. Goucher left Nike to join Oiselle and take an equity stake in the company that sells running apparel for women.
“This idea of transitioning to women-owned businesses is about these systems being built for men and male athletes,” Cox said. “Across the ranks of these spaces, these are the people who decide your look [and] how you’re going to market you. In these spaces, you’re already a woman in a male-dominated industry. The people that make the decisions, people that coach, all these things, [are men]. I think there’s something that athletes are finding refreshing [working with women].
“There’s a way that you feel centered in a way you may not feel that way in other aspects of being a professional athlete.”
Fitting women’s sports into the mold of men’s sports doesn’t always work, a crossroads the market is finally facing. And selling women’s sports authentically is big business with room to grow. At Nike, jerseys for the U.S. women’s national team and Sabrina Ionescu have sold out after big wins and the company’s women’s division boasted record sales.
Then there’s the purchasing power at play. Women control or influence 85% of consumer spending and more than 60% of all personal wealth in the U.S, studies continue to show. Women are buying products, but imagine how much they’d buy if they were marketed to through a more authentic lens rather than placing women athletes as secondary to the men on the roster.
Women athletes know this and are taking the risks for a payoff.
Chiney Ogwumike re-signed with Adidas this spring, her marketability at an all-time peak around her grind as a professional basketball player, ESPN talent and lately an executive producer. The calculated risk Galer said they felt she needed to take in 2017 “to build out the right way with the right people” worked out. Adidas has 23 WNBA stars signed, double its investment of a year ago.
“They continue to utilize athletes in different and unique and creative ways,” Galer said.
Galer, who started her agency 10 years ago, is used to hustling and banging down doors to snag opportunities, but in the past 15 months she’s experienced more positive responses and even brands reaching out to her for a client. Companies such as DoorDash with Ogwumike, an avid user of the app, have launched campaigns centered on women. More brands want in on the game and Cox believes a more niche approach and alignment with personal or political interests is a trend.
“There are all these new ways that athletes are creating voice and I think part of it is also going to be built into this fabric,” she said. “There will be a trend in thinking differently.”
The larger trend from Ogwumike to Stewart to Biles and everyone in between is that star athletes have more agency over their lives and what sponsors mean to their overall health and well-being. That extends to women and nonbinary athletes, categories often overlooked and largely ignored.
“For me it’s not about, ‘Nike’s bad, these other companies are good.’ Or, ‘women-owned companies are good, these other ones aren’t,’” Cox said. “I’m interested in how can we improve the lived experience of athletes at every level? How can we make this a more equitable space for all? And so I think this is but one piece.
“This idea that these are the small little shifts and changes that can at least improve their careers, they’re lived experience, their legacy, that’s something that we can all kind of root for.”
Fans can also root for signature shoes, branded apparel for their children and women athletes headlining advertising. The game’s best has known it all along, only now it can bring it to them.
Nike could run out of sneakers …
Nike could run out of sneakers made in Vietnam due to a halt in production at multiple suppliers as the coronavirus pandemic worsens globally, according to a new analysis from Panjiva, the supply chain research unit of S&P Global Market Intelligence.
The report comes just after Nike’s suppliers in Vietnam, Chang Shin Vietnam Co. and Pou Chen Corp., recently stopped production due to rapidly growing COVID-19 infections in the region.
Nike said that contract factories in Vietnam make up roughly 50% of total Nike branded footwear in fiscal 2020.
Panjiva data shows that products made in Vietnam account for 49% of U.S. Cadysneaker , seaborne imports linked to Nike and its products in the second quarter of 2021. Nike imports from Vietnam are led by footwear, which makes up 82% of shipments in the 12 months to June 30.
“The health and safety of our teammates, as well as that of our suppliers, remains our top priority,” Nike said in a statement to Yahoo Finance. “We continue to work with our suppliers to support their efforts in response to the dynamic and unprecedented nature of COVID-19.”
“As we continue to navigate these circumstances, we expect our suppliers to prioritize the health and livelihoods of their employees and continue to comply with legal requirements and the Nike Code of Conduct on the provision of wages, benefits, and severance,” the statement continued. “We are confident in Nike’s ability to navigate these near-term dynamics, and we remain prudent in our planning.”
Vietnamese officials urged citizens to stay home due to the new rise of infections this week.
According to the analysis conducted by S&P Global Market Intelligence, 2021Shoes ,Nike’s supply chain struggles could indicate similar challenges for other sneaker giants and clothing brands across the industry. Other apparel brands such as Levi Strauss and H&M are facing similar problems in Bangladesh.
Nike could soon face a sneaker …
Nike could soon face a sneaker shortage if the COVID-19 pandemic continues. More specifically, looking at the footwear manufactured in Vietnam which accounts for 50 percent portion of the sportswear brand’s shoe offerings.
The warning follows the sudden shutdown of Nike’s suppliers in Vietnam, Chang Shin Vietnam Co. and Pou Chen Corp. The two names were forced to halt production as the Coronavirus broke out in the country rapidly.
Analysis at S&P Global Market Intelligence revealed that Nike’s footwear-led imports from Vietnam accounted for 82 percent of the brand’s shipments in the last 12 months, ending June 30. Cadysneaker ,It is also important to note that the potential sneaker shortage is right around the back-to-school season and could have a significant effect on Nike’s usual sales during the season.
“The health and safety of our teammates, as well as that of our suppliers, remains our top priority, said a Nike spokesperson in a statement to CNBC. “We continue to work with our suppliers to support their efforts in response to the dynamic and unprecedented nature of COVID-19. As we continue to navigate these circumstances, we expect our suppliers to prioritize the health and livelihoods of their employees and continue to comply with legal requirements and the Nike Code of Conduct on the provision of wages, benefits and severance.2021Shoes , We are confident in Nike’s ability to navigate these near-term dynamics and we remain prudent in our planning.”
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